(Final) (twitter) Ultimate Midjourney Cheat Sheet (1).png



01. Sign Up: Create an account.

02. Join Discord: Access Midjourney community.

03: Bot Intro: Learn basic bot commands.

04. Generate Image: Use /imagine [prompt].

05. Explore Variations: Click V1 to V4.

06. Upscale Image: Choose U1 to U4.

07. Customize Prompts: Adjust with /prefer.

08. Experiment Modes: Try /fast, /turbo, /relax.

09. Use Remix: Apply /remix for variations.

10. Seek Help: Use /help or /faq.

11. Try Parameters: Use (--ar) & (--s) .

12. Explore More: Use /describe, /tune, /shorten


/imagine: Creates an image for prompt.

/blend: Blends two images.

/describe: Writes prompts from images.

/shorten: Shortens long prompts.

/tune: Creates Style Tuner.

/remix: Enables Remix mode.

/prefer option: Manages custom options.

/prefer suffix: Adds prompt suffix.

/prefer variability: Toggles image variations.

/help: Shows bot information.

/faq: Links to FAQs.

/info: Shows account, job info.

/settings: Adjusts bot settings.

/show: Regenerates jobs via ID.

/subscribe: Generates account link.

/docs: Quick link to user guide.

/ask: Answers user queries.

/public: Switches to Public Mode (Pro only).

/stealth: Stealth Mode for Pro. (Hide your work)

/fast: Enables Fast mode. (Default)

/relax: Activates Relax mode. (Slower Generations)

/turbo: Switches to Turbo mode. (Faster Generatations)

Standard Discord Interface Commands

UPSCALE (U): Make selected image bigger.

VARY (V): Generate (4) more varied versions of the selected image.

RE-ROLL (🔄): Rerun the same prompt.

U1: Upscale Image 1

U2: Upscale Image 2

U3: Upscale Image 3

U4: Upscale Image 4

🔄 Re-Roll: Rerun your prompt

V1: Vary Image 1

V2: Vary Image 2

V3: Vary Image 3

V4: Vary Image 4

Vary (Strong): Generate (4) strongly varied versions. Vary (Subtle): Generate (4) slightly varied versions. Vary (Region): Select + regenerate select regions. Upscale (2x): Upscale by 200% Upscale (4x): Upscale by 400% Zoom 2x: Zoom out by 200% Zoom 1.5x: Zoom out by 150% Custom Zoom: Zoom out between 1X-2x Make Square: Make any image 1:1 aspect ratio ⬅️ Pan Left: Extend image to the left ➡️ Pan Right: Extend image to the right ⬆️ Pan Up: Extend image upward ⬇️ Pan Down: Extend image downward ❤️ Favorite: Favorite an image. Web: Open in web browser


Screen Shot 2023-11-18 at 9.02.43 AM.png


Step 01: Type “/imagine” into prompt bar

Step 02: Enter a text prompt (ex. Land Rover in Cusco Peru)

Step 03: Add Parameters (ex. --ar 5:4 --s 250)

Step 04: Hit submit

Screen Shot 2023-11-18 at 9.02.55 AM.png


Step 01: Upload Image into MJ

Step 02: Hit Submit

Step 03: Right Click on Image

Step 04: Select “Copy Link”

Step 05: Type “/imagine” into prompt bar

Step 06: Paste Image Link

Step 07: Enter Text Prompt + Parameters

Step 08: Hit submit


Aspect Ratio (--ar)

Use: Changes width-to-height ratio of the image.

Prompt Parameter: --ar <width>:<height>****

Values: Unlimited with MJ version 5.2

Midjourney Default: 1:1

Format Example: --ar 3:2 or --aspect 3:2

Chaos (--c)

Use: Changes how varied the image grids are.

Prompt Parameter: --c <value>

Value Range: 0-100

Midjourney Default: 0

Format example: --c 50 or --chaos 50

No (--no)

Use: Removes unwanted elements.

Prompt Parameter: --no <subject>

Values: Any word representing a prompt element.

Midjourney Default: N/A dependent on user input.

Format Example: --no words or --no plants

Version (--v)

Use: Changes the MJ Version used to generate.

Prompt Parameter: --v <value>

Value Range: 1-5.2

Midjourney Default: 5.2

Format Example: --v 2 or --version 2

Stylize (--s)

Use: Changes how "artistic" this image is.

Prompt Parameter: --s <value>

Value Range: 0-1000

Midjourney Default: 100

Format Example: --s 750 or --stylize 750

Quality (--q)

Use: Changes time spent rendering the image

Prompt Parameter: --q <value>

Value Range: 0.25-1

Midjourney Default: 1

Format Example: --q .5 or --quality .5

Repeat (--r)

Use: Create multiple jobs for one prompt.

Prompt Parameter: --r <value>

Value Range: 1-40 (Basic Plan Limited to 10)

Midjourney Default: 0

Format Example: --r 4 or --repeat 4

Tile (--tile)

Use: Generate images that can be used as patterns.

Prompt Parameter: --tile

Value Range: n/a